Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

February 2017 Minutes

S. Alvord, T. Alvord, H. Emmons, B. Emmons, S. Brown, B. Gaulke, B. McCall, L. Guglielmina, T. McBrayer L. Horrocks


Call to order @1733

Approve minutes from January 2017- S. Brown. 2nd- B. Emmons                     

Officers Report:

               A: Roses for Valentines Day have been ordered and will arrive Thursday, Feb 9th. An ad has         been issued in the newspaper all week, cost will be reimbursed by the dept.

               B: Engines have been cleaned, restocked with beverages- Thank you Lisa.

Action Items:

               --There have not been set plans for the appreciation dinner, last discussion will be held tonight.

               90 salad plates and 90 dinner plates for appreciation dinner for $70. Need white/red table cloths         for 10 tables. We also need paper or plastic plates for desserts. We will be meeting around 1430 on Friday 3rd for decorations. Any and all help is appreciated.

               A: Fire Safe House field trip for elementary students- All in favor to proceed.

               B: Children’s Festival: We need to find out the date then continue plans. Tabled until March 1st.

               C: Valentine’s Day Roses: Friday Feb. 10th we will prepare roses at the station at  1000. Saturday Feb. 11th we will sell roses at Ace Hardware at 1000.

               D: Father’s Day: K.Boorman not present. Tabled.

               E: 4th July Parade and Open House: Tabled.

Committee Reports:

               A: EMS: Exceptional EMS Bags (Big thanks to L. Horrocks). Gloves on all vehicles should be used sparingly (do not use gloves if not making patient contact). Inventory on all rigs have been noted.

               B: Station Maintenance: If you see something that needs cleaning, please take the initiative and clean J leaves are left in garden area because we are still in freezing temperatures. We need to keep the kitchen tidy. Dorms have been looking good- keep up the good work! Firefighters workshop needs major clean up. Firefighters have been told to help keep it clean.

               C: Equipment Maintenance: 2111 light has been fixed. DCFD, JCFD, LFD, TCFD and WFD SCBA’s all fit tested. WFD has 4 SCBA’s out of service.

               D: Web Technology: Everything looks good, Valentine’s Rose ad is on Facebook and the WVFD webpage.

               E: Marketing: Betty will get flyers handed out


Open Forum and Topics for next meeting: Tabled

Adjourned at 1817